Posts Tagged ‘muse communications


The Love Project: Lil Wayne, Love, and an LA Subway

Need to find a way to get people to understand love? Give them a song. Not sure which one to choose? Why not pull one from rapper Lil Wayne’s rotation? While he may not be the first pick for many looking to define the concept, he did come to mind when the Culver City, CA marketing agency Muse Communications devised The Love Project campaign. In the project, CEO Jo Muse explains that the goals are to “explore culture and share it with a broader audience” and have love as the common denominator. As an interactive experiment, The Love Project connects directly with people of the community asking them what they think love is. Questions of, “What the hell is love, anyway?” and “What’s the difference between making love and having sex?” allow people to share their perspectives and get to the heart of love.

But how does Lil Wayne get involved? Muse Communications combined Weezy’s 2011 track, “How To Love” with a unique spin on a flash mob. Instead of a group dancing for a brand or product, the group sings to encourage a concept. On Los Angeles’ Red Line train (Union Station to North Hollywood), a group of young adults and even a little girl belt out “How to Love” to the unsuspecting passengers. Having the group sing a capella alongside a single guitar and beat boxer from stop to stop had to be a surprising yet pleasant experience. Instead of going through the day in routine, the impromptu ballad interrupts the ordinary ride and brings the notion of love to the minds of the passengers. Through their harmony you see the project is about creating and building relationships with love. It’s simple, unconventional, and it can create an impact from person to person at any point in time. In a nutshell, I love it.

“The Love Project – How To Love Flash Mob on LA Subway”

What Day is It?

May 2024

Quote of the Week

“Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” - Randy Pausch, "The Last Lecture"


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